Qigong Foundations Teacher Training
Add Qigong teaching to your therapeutic toolkit with just 60 hours of study
Perfect for yoga teachers, personal trainers, naturopaths, psychologists, nutritionists & more
Learn how to teach Qigong movement and understand core theory and forms.
Access teaching frameworks and learn how best to share Qigong with your existing students and clients.
Gain an international Qigong Teacher accreditation within 6 months.
Your 60-hour training program structure:
Group in-person 3 day training
Group guided online program
Online-based self-study + personal practice
Class practice - resources provided
Assessment tasks - video demonstrations
You will learn:
Foundations and fundamentals of Qigong
Practice styles, approach and framework
Oriental Medicine foundations and connections
Basic Five Element theory
Standing, alignment and posture
Conditioning and Regulating Qigong movements
Five Harmonies Qigong movements + sequence
Zhan Zhuang Standing Qigong
Practice framework and basic class programming
Guidelines and precautions for working with Qigong students
Upon completion of all assessment requirements you’ll receive a Qigong Teacher Certificate of Training, accredited by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT).
Choose your study mode
Choose your study mode
Choose between fully online or in-person group training:
How your clients will benefit from your Qigong Teacher training…
Create balance. Qigong improves the flow of Qi (life force) through the body’s meridians and organs, complementing yoga’s focus on extending the spine and body.
Increase energy. Incorporating Qigong flows into yoga asana, significantly increases the flow of prana and Qi.
Help overcome injury and illness. Qigong’s gentle and easy movements can be a useful alternative for students who can’t do certain yoga poses due to injury.
Supercharge workouts. Learning Qigong’s breathing and body coordination techniques enhances every other type of exercise you do.
Lower heart rate & blood pressure. Qigong’s self-healing ‘internal exercise’ repairs the immune system, supporting your client’s fitness journey.
Increase balance & stamina. Lead your clients through a high-energy cardio or weights regime and then conclude a session with the balancing yin energy of Qigong.
Help process emotions. Qigong gently corrects imbalances caused by deep-seated emotions such as stress, anger, anxiety, depression or grief, which may arise during counselling sessions.
Reduce overwhelm & discomfort. Qigong can be used during psychology sessions to help clients who are overwhelmed by thinking and ruminating, or to help clients end difficult sessions with a feeling of calm and ease.
Support self-healing. Simple Qigong movements can also be taught for clients to use at home to support their own healing.
Manage stress & anxiety. Gentle Qigong movements offer clients extra support, helping release challenging emotions and bring peace and calm. This is crucial, considering stress and anxiety are the roots of many illnesses.
Support recovery. Qigong helps correct imbalances caused by injury, illness, improper diet, lack of exercise and other lifestyle related dis-ease. Naturopaths trained in Qigong can offer clients specific Qigong movements to support their recovery and to help cultivate a healthier lifestyle.
Curriculum in detail
Month 1 - 2: Preparation and self-study plus group training
Qigong Foundations theory and philosophy
Learn Zhan Zhuang - Qigong standing form
Learn Conditioning and Regulating Qigong forms
Learn Five Harmonies Qigong sequence
ATTEND Group 3-day training OR group online sessions
Month 3 - 4: Self-study, revision and practice
Refine and master Conditioning and Regulating Qigong
Refine and master Five Harmonies Qigong
Accrue and document class and personal practice hours
Practice, practice, practice
Months 4 – 6: Self-study, practice and video assessment
Accrue and document class and self-study practice hours
Begin preparation of video assessment submissions
Submit 4x Assessment Tasks
Submit journals for class and self-study personal practice
Gain post-graduate access to Expanded Training mix-and-match learning modules
After completing Qigong Foundations you’ll be invited into my exclusive Expanded Training program, featuring specialist Qigong, Shen Gong and Daoism modules to expand your learning and repertoire.
Choose the modules you want to learn, or study them all for accreditation toward 250 or 500-hour Qigong Teacher Training certification.
I’m Nicole Lee – an internationally certified Qigong teacher, trained in both Modern and Classical Qigong styles
My Qigong journey began in 2013. Since then, I have taught literally hundreds of Qigong classes and workshops, and have helped students all over the world become certified Qigong teachers.
I’ve studied Qigong form and philosophy with multiple masters and teachers, consistently for more than a decade. My own personal style has evolved as I have, my core influences are Lee Holden, Master Wang Zhi Peng, Roger Janke and Damo Mitchell.
I’m also accredited in meditation, mindfulness, energy healing and craniosacral therapy, and have a Bachelor's Degree in Complementary Medicine.
I’ve repeatedly seen this gentle practice transform lives — physically, mentally and emotionally.
How to become a certified Qigong teacher:
To achieve your IICT-approved Qigong Teacher certification, you need to:
Complete the total 60 hours of Qigong Foundations training.
Submit your Class and Practice Qi Journals.
Submit four practical assessment videos.
All certification requirements are due no later than six months from the commencement of your training.
Frequently asked questions
How long does the program run for?
Qigong Foundations is a 60-hour training program that must be completed within six months from commencement. Depending on how much time you have available, you may be able to complete it more quickly.
Not necessarily. While having some experience with the practice of Qigong is recommended, it’s not essential. Many of the participants have limited experience (or none) in Qigong when they join the Qigong Foundations training.
Usually these students find they need to utilise the full 6 months to absorb, embody and develop their form and understanding. Qigong as a modality, and style of movement therapy is very different to most popular fitness methods and requires a significant investment of time and practice to gain proficiency.
How much time each week will I need to complete the program?
It depends a little on which program format you choose and how quickly you want to complete the program, aim for a weekly time investment of 1 - 3 hours.
Are there homework requirements?
Yes. There is both self-study, class and personal practice required. Certification requires that you prepare and submit a journal related to each of these aspects.
Can I teach Qigong after completing the Qigong Foundations Teacher Training?
Yes. You will have received the skills and knowledge to teach a variety of classes and sessions based on Conditioning and Regulating Qigong and Five Harmonies Qigong.
What qualification will I hold after completing this course?
You will receive a Qigong Teacher Certificate of Training, accredited by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT). This provides your future students with assurance that you have been professionally trained as a Qigong teacher.
Absolutely… the group online program support sessions are hosted at times that align with international time zones. The program is IICT accredited in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.